Verify and Report
Welcome to Rev Karla Verify and Report
Let's work together to combat impersonation and malicious activity within the Rev Karla community.
Scam organizations create impersonation accounts with Rev Karla's identity and use them to take money from unknowing followers. This practice is harmful, and unethical. Malicious activity has no place in the Rev Karla community.
We are committed to fostering a safe environment where you can be who you are without hinderance.
You can help us do this in 2 easy ways:
Verify your interactions with Rev Karla
Report known malicious activity
When to verify an interaction with Rev Karla
One claiming to be Rev Karla reaches out to you
An account other than one of the official platform accounts makes contact with you
Any time you feel skeptical that you may not be in contact with the true Rev Karla
When to report known malicious activity
One claiming to be Rev Karla asks you for a donation, psychic reading or contact outside of the initial mode of contact
You discover an account using intellectual property of Rev Karla
Ex. duplication of content w/o mention, a duplicate account etc.
You receive a text, call, email or DM claiming to be Rev Karla from an account other than one of the official platform accounts